Hey there, this site has moved, so comments are disabled. Thankfully, you can go to the page, carefully linked for your satisfaction. Click here to go there.
What with this being my ninth blog, and something like my fifteenth web-site altogether, perhaps it deserves an explanation:
I like the power of Linux, and I especially like the use of command prompts to make things happen. When I type, I use pico. When I run commands, I open a terminal. Especially since I learned perl scripting, a simple type of programming things to happen from the command-line, I have really gotten into using the command line.
On the one side, I really like the terminal. On the other side, there are so many commands to remember that I decided to create this blog as a reference, so that I could just go back here if I forget something.. This could, I hope, be beneficial to you as well: You can peruse and search what I have done and see if it is useful for your situation as well. I will try to make it simple enough to follow, let me know if it needs simplification.
Two things:
1) I don't do Windows. I can't stand Windows at all. If I could never use Windows again I would be so very happy, and in fact this is my plan. NONE of these commands are for Windows! Don't use them there! Alternately, in my painful use of Windows, I have learned many things which I might share if I can recall them when appropriate.
2) I am a full-time student in an Engineering degree (e.g., I don't have much time) and this shows up in my other under-developed blogs. You can feel free to ask me questions, and I might be able to answer them, but don't be surprised if your question gets ignored for a long time: I am probably busy.
Hope this is as useful for you as it is for me!
Hey there, after several years of playing with Blogger and trying to get thing sorted out how I wanted, I finally decided to host my own domain so I could manage things easier.
So this blog (which, admittedly, hasn't been updated much) is getting moved to my all-new site: DavisTobias.com/Linux. Also, to make it easier to transfer RSS feeds, this is the link to the new RSS feed.
I'll leave this site and it's posts up, so I don't contribute to dead links on the internet, but I'm shutting off comments and won't post any more here.